Frequently asked questions

Why is only my name on all the tickets ?
The tickets, sent by e-mail, are printed according to the name of the person who made the purchase. So there's no need to worry if the people accompanying you have different names.
What objects are prohibited ?
Bags and suitcases weighing more than 15 litres and any dangerous objects (cutters, knives, gas cylinders, etc.).
Is online booking compulsory ?
To avoid waiting on site and ensure that tickets are available, we strongly recommend that you book your tickets in advance via our online ticketing service : www.ticketsdordogne.com
How do we get our tickets ?
Once you have made your purchase, your tickets will be sent directly to the e-mail address you used to make the purchase. Don't forget to check your unwanted mail !
Can I pay with holiday vouchers ?
You can pay online using E Connect ANCV holiday vouchers. Paper holiday vouchers can only be used at the ticket office.
Can I bring my pet ?
Pets are not allowed on the site, with the exception of guide dogs.
Can I book my tickets online and pay for them on site?
All bookings must be confirmed by payment on the website. There are several ways to make your purchase: credit card and E-connect cheque.
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